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Know Your Campus 
- Site lighting replacement to LED and BETA lamps saves approximately 40 percent of prior energy usage.
- Addition of ASCO switches in academic buildings that allow the Central Plant engineers to increase/decrease temperatures based on building occupancy, especially in the evening.
- Electrical sub meters placed on incoming electric in buildings allow us to utilize the NuEnergen Enertrac’s web based platform to monitor how buildings are using electricity. This technology is used by the Central Plant staff.
- CSI has added solar powered picnic tables in front of 1C that can recharge your mobile devices.
- CSI participated in the Daylight hour annual social media campaign since 2017
Did you know?
- The amount of energy Americans use doubles every 20 years.
- One hour’s worth of energy from the sun could power the Earth for a year.
- With the energy efficiency America is striving for, the US carbon dioxide emissions would decrease by 4 billion metric tons.
- This initiative fulfills UN Sustainability Goal #7.
Get Involved
On Your Campus
- Shutting off lights in unoccupied rooms.
- Turn off the computer after each use.
In the Office
- Did you know laptops use 80% less energy than desktop computers? Yet practically every place of work uses desktop computers.
Where You Live
- Change the lightbulbs in your house
- Did you know that LEDs and CFLs light bulbs use up to 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs and last almost 10 times as long!
- Simple ways to reduce the amount of energy you use in your house is to change your lightbulbs and unplug appliances and chargers that are not being used.