Report an Incident

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If you have experienced or witnessed an incident of bias or racism or an incident was reported to you, we encourage you to reach out to us. If you decide to move forward with us regarding an incident in the recent or distant past, or is happening now, please provide us your contact info by selecting the "Report an Incident" button below.  A RELAY team member will reach out to you.

Report an Incident

Welcome to RELAY. We have a specific goal of ending bias and racial bias at CSI. We also want to offer you a non-punitive option for (re)building community and undoing the harm of racial bias. Our efforts are educational and supportive. We are a support system available to any who needs it at any time. If you decide to engage with us, we thank you for trusting us with your story.

Why we are here: We hope to make clear how to address the bias you experience(d) and how to find accountability. We want to make sure that individual and systemic bias are documented and, when possible, addressed directly in a way that supports you and moves the CSI community towards a welcoming, sustaining, and accountable climate for everyone. We want to engage the campus in the difficult but transformative discussion of racism and bias. We aim to transform the system and community where we live, study, and work, eliminating racial barriers to success and belonging.

Who can reach out: Anyone (students, faculty, or staff) who has

  • experienced or witnessed an incident of racism or bias between members of the CSI community.
  • received information of an incident from someone else.

Incidents may happen in the classroom or on campus, in-person or online.

What we do:  

  • Respond to reports of bias including racial bias, intersectional bias, and micro-aggressions
  • Conversation(s) centered around the incident and impacted person(s)
  • Utilize and recommend restorative practices such as healing circles, support groups, trainings/programming
  • Ongoing support 
  • Refer to support services or offices who can appropriately respond
  • Log all reported incidents and track for trends
  • Notify campus leaders of ongoing bias incidents and trends

What we don’t do:  

  • Take disciplinary action
  • Conduct formal investigations
  • Handle sexual harassment or misconduct. (Please reach out to

What to expect: You are in control of the process. We work in teams to find solutions for the bias/racial negativity that you experience(d), in a way that seems best to you, however you are free to reach out to an individual member of the RELAY team, if you prefer, using contact information in our bios. Please read our bios and think about whether you want to identify a specific person or persons with whom to work, or to specify someone you’d rather not have on the team who assists you. We will be in touch with you within 48 hours to talk and to set up a time to meet either in person or on Zoom to initiate the process.

Confidentiality. We will do all in our power to keep the information that you tell us confidential. You will determine what is shared, and with whom. Your name will not be used in any report. Your name will not be shared with people outside of RELAY without your consent. However, there may be circumstances where this information must be released or shared as required by law. The information will also be aggregated confidentially with other people’s reports, summarizing the racial bias experienced by members of our community, with recommendations on how to eliminate bias. The team will talk to you in more depth about confidentiality and its limits, if you decide to report bias to RELAY.

Reporting to RELAY. If you decide to move forward with us regarding an incident in the recent or distant past, or is happening now, please provide us your contact info on this form. A RELAY team member will reach out to you.