LGBTQ Resource Center

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning Resource Center is dedicated to improving the educational environment for LGBTQ+ students, faculty, staff, administrators, and alumnae by providing a safe space for LGBTQ+ community members and allies at the College of Staten Island.

The LGBTQ Center embraces the diversity of the CSI community and provides resources and programs for campus members. The Center is a space where LGBTQ+ students can feel safe to be themselves, hang out, seek new friendships and support, and surround themselves with affirming community.

It encourages a confidential support network and operates as a source of information about counseling and other resources available on campus and throughout the region for LGBTQ+ people, allies, and their families. The Center raises awareness about issues important to LGBTQ+ people and encourages community service by CSI students and organizations that serve LGBTQ+ people on campus, on Staten Island and throughout New York City. The Center organizes activities, panels, and speakers on a variety of LGBTQ topics every semester.

The Center offers a Safe Space and Drop-in Library consisting of magazines, books and DVDs. A list of the Drop-in Centers books can be found at:

Contact Information

Jeremiah Jurkiewicz, (He/Him/His)

Assistant Director of Social Justice – LGBTQ Resource Center

Office of Student Life
Building 1C, Room 226
Email Jeremiah Jurkiewicz, (He/Him/His)

9:00am - 5:00pm
Monday – Friday

LGBTQ+ Events

Mar 10, 2025 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm
Mar 13, 2025 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Mar 17, 2025 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm
Mar 20, 2025 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Mar 24, 2025 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

The Resource Center holds Ally and Safe Zone Trainings every semester to help students, faculty and staff grow in their knowledge and understanding of the LGBTQ+ community. Through training participants learn LGBTQ+ terminology, how to use inclusive language, identify societal prejudices, and the importance of being an outspoken ally to the LGBTQ+ Community.

To schedule a training for your department or student organization please contact:

Click here to see a list of the departments/offices that have gone through SafeZone Training

“Pride Kamp” is an annual one-day conference held at the beginning of every Fall semester as a welcoming, teaching, and leadership development for LGBTQ+ and Ally students. The day includes a keynote speaker, workshops, information, lunch, and a meet & greet with LGBTQ+ and Ally faculty/staff. Pride Kamp allows students to connect with one another, discuss issues important to the LGBTQ+ and Ally community, foster a connection between students and educators, and be aware of the resources available to them. The mission of this conference is to ensure that students know they have opportunity and support on campus from the moment they begin their education. Pride Kamp is brought to you by the Office of Student Life - LGBTQ Resource Center/Pluralism & Diversity and Student Government.

The LGBTQ Resource Center hosts an annual Lavender Graduation. Lavender Graduation is a special graduation ceremony that honors the achievements of graduating lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer students at the College of Staten Island. We seek to recognize graduating students, alumni, and current faculty and staff. Lavender Graduation provides a safe space to honor those graduating students, not only for their scholastic achievements, but for their successes, challenges, obstacles, and achievements navigating their time at CSI as a member of the LGBTQ+ community. We seek to recognize and honor students, not only for what they have done, but for being who they are.

Lavender is held the day before commencement so please be sure to contact Jeremiah Jurkiewicz to register when it comes time for you to graduate as we would like to honor you. For more information on how to participate please contact Jeremiah Jurkiewicz by email at or call 718-982-3091

You can also find out more information about the LGBTQ Resource Center by contacting the Office of Student Life, Campus Center, 1C-201 or via telephone at 718.982.3091.

Counseling Center
The CSI Counseling Center is staffed by gay affirming mental health professionals who are committed to providing a safe place for LGBTQ students to address their mental health needs. Respect for diversity is a guiding principle in the work we do. We take PRIDE in offering a comfortable, nonjudgmental, inclusive environment for students to engage in personal growth. We offer a wide variety of services including individual, group, and couples counseling. We also provide medication services for student receiving counseling in our Center. Students can walk in during business hours and meet with a counselor. No appointment is necessary. We also have telephone counseling available afterhours by calling our number, 718-982-2089. All services are free and confidential. For more information, visit our website.
Location: 1A-109

Health & Wellness Services
CSI Alcohol & Drug Prevention Program
We offer a welcoming space for all. 
Our professional staff is available to meet the health needs of all students while on campus.
Health Center – 1C-112, 718.982.3045
Wellness Drop-In Center – 1C-111, 718.982.3113
We are here to support the success of every student! Our services include urgent care and sick visits, physical exams, STI testing and treatment, rapid HIV testing, free safer sex supplies, nutrition programs, smoking cessation support, and alcohol/drug screenings. We also offer CLUES by appointment and hold a variety of health education programs throughout the year.
Please stop by to make an appointment or learn about upcoming events.
Visit our webpage to learn about additional services and resources.
The Office of Accessibility Services
The mission of the Center for Student Accessibility (CSA) is to facilitate reasonable accommodations for all students with documented disabilities ensuring equal access to academic and co-curricular programming in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. CSA is a warm and inviting place and provides services for all regardless of race, color, gender, and sexual identity. We will work with students to establish the right combination of accommodations and services in an effort to foster full participation in coursework and in the larger College community. Staff members are committed to student success, and we are advocates for our students’ needs.
Location: 1P-101   Phone: 718-982-2510
Visit our website for more information.

Center for Career & Professional Development
The Center for Career and Professional Development, a designated safe zone and a certificated LGBTQ friendly center, is committed to assisting our LGBTQ population in gaining knowledge of professional development and employment opportunities and in developing the necessary skills to secure gainful employment in one’s chosen career field upon graduation.  Our goal is to welcome lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBTQ) students preparing for a job or internship search and to support students in thinking through the additional career planning challenges related to sexual orientation or gender identity. There may be challenges for LGBTQ internship and/or job seekers in terms of the openness of and support for hiring practices. In an effort to meet these challenges with well thought out and well planned strategies, Center staff recommend you research your options carefully to meet your individual needs and goals. The following collection of resources is designed to offer a starting point in considering issues faced by LGBTQ people in an employment or internship search and the culture of the workplace. There are no right or wrong answers or rules, only what is right for you. The Center for Career and Professional Development staff encourages students to feel free to address questions or concerns as an LGBTQ applicant during an internship and/or employment search process and remain committed to advise, support and advocate for students in any way.
Location: 1A-105        Phone: 718-982-2300.  Visit our website for more information

Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
The Office of Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is a welcoming, affirming and supportive environment for LGBTQ students.  Committed to preventing and addressing discrimination issues and sexual misconduct, the Office strives to ensure a campus environment that respects and values the diversity of all who learn and work here.  Together with many other CSI professionals, we work to foster a culture at the College that values differences as a source of strength on campus and encourages the creation of forums for positive conversations among CSI community members. Location: 1A-205      Phone: 718-982-2250.   Visit our website for more information 

Public Safety
The Public Safety Department of the College of Staten Island strives to maintain a safe and inclusive environment for members of our LGBTQ Community.  At CSI, the Public Safety Department takes great pleasure in partnering with the LGBTQ Resource Center in our continuing efforts to protect the rights of the LGBTQ Community.  We endeavor to create Safe Zones where all people can feel welcome to come and express themselves.  We offer a myriad of protective services to our students including an evening escort service by which we will, upon request, escort students who feel uneasy for any reason to any building, parking lot, or bus stop on campus.  We are in the process of improving our exterior lighting as well as our CCTV capabilities.  Lastly, we encourage all students to program our 24-hour number (718-982-2111) into an easy to find place in their cell phones.  This number is not only for emergencies.  Call us at any time you have a concern or situation that we may be able to assist.                      

Location: 2A-108.  Visit our website for more information.

College of Staten Island offers  All Gender Restrooms across campus to serve the needs of anyone who simply desires the privacy that these bathrooms afford, transgender or gender nonconforming individuals who may be subject to harassment or violence when using male- or female-specific restrooms, parents with children, and people with disabilities.

Everyone deserves safe and equal access to restrooms on campus. CSI takes seriously the safety and success of our TGNB (Trans and Gender Non-Binary) students. Under the law, all individuals have the right to use any single sex facility consistent with their gender identity or expression. All Gender Restrooms exist to further provide access for TGNB students, faculty, and staff. Visit this page for locations. 

We are thankful for all contributions that we receive in order to effectively engage in LGBTQ+ efforts at CSI. Below are our current supporters to whom we are most thankful. With their support, we can do much more for our faculty, staff, students, and local community.

  • Runnymeade Foundation Inc. (established by the will of Raymond Tighe)
  • CUNY LGBTQIA+ Consortium through LaGuardia Community College with funding provided by the New York City Council Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual Caucus

If you would like to make a donation to the College of Staten Island’s LGBTQ Resource Center, please go to the CSI Foundation website. Under Gift Designation, select Other and type in LGBTQ Resource Center.