AAS, BS, Accelerated, and Advanced Degree Programs in Engineering and Environmental Science

Join us to discuss our prestigious undergraduate and graduate programs in Electrical Engineering, Engineering Science, and Earth & Environmental Science.

CSI is the only college on Staten Island, the second institution within The City University of New York (CUNY), and one of only a few in the greater metropolitan area offering an ABET-accredited Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) and Engineering Science (BSES).

Explore our accelerated 4+1 BSEE/MEEE, which allows students to earn a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering in only one additional year, and other exciting opportunities at the department.

Learn about our exciting leading-edge areas of study, such as fiberoptic technologies, high-speed data transmission, signal processing, nanotechnology, photonics, and offshore wind energy.

Meet the department’s Chair, Dr. Neo Antoniades, a renowned expert in the field of fiberoptic technologies.

Our Faculty and Staff:
• Neo Antoniades, PhD, Professor and Chair, Engineering and Environmental Science, and The Graduate Center/CUNY PhD Program in Electrical Engineering
• Holly Block, Assistant Director for Recruitment, Recruitment and Admissions

This event requires a reservation: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcsf-uppzIsG9QWdsUviVqnVzg8q7TW9otW

A Zoom meeting link will be provided. We look forward to meeting you.

Engineering and Environmental Science
Date: Jun 7 2023 6:00pm - 6:45pm
Virtual event
Phone: 347.443.8699
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