Terry Golway, Adjunct Professor of Political Science

College of Staten Island Adjunct Professor of Political Science and U.S. history Terry Golway was recently featured on WNYC’s All Of It with Alison Stewart, in a special segment titled “Patience and Fortitude: A History of Mayor La Guardia.” The broadcast, which coincided with the 100th anniversary of WNYC, explored the life and legacy of Fiorello La Guardia, one of New York City’s most influential mayors.

La Guardia, known for leading the city through the turbulent years following the Great Depression, the rise of Nazi Germany, and World War II, left an indelible mark on New York City’s infrastructure and governance. The special examined how La Guardia’s decisions reshaped the city’s landscape, including his unification of the subway system, the creation of the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA), and his complicated relationship with Parks Commissioner Robert Moses. Read more...