Virtual Reality Equipment Loan Form

In order to borrow Virtual Reality equipment, please complete and submit the following form. Your application will then be sent to HelpDesk, upon which OITS personnel will contact you regarding your request.

asterisk = This field is required.

Contact Information
Phone Number
Room Number

What equipment would you like to borrow? Please choose one.


Equipment Type
Reservation Time
Terms and Conditions Governing Use of College Facilities:
  1. While in their possession, user is fully responsible for any equipment that is borrowed.
  2. The user will be responsible for covering the cost of repairs of any damage and/or loss of any borrowed equipment while it is in their possession.
  3. The user should see that the devices and their accessories are working upon receipt of equipment.
  4. The user must return all borrowed items within the time allotted on the loan agreement.
  5. The user shall not perform any illegal activities with any of the borrowed equipment.
  6. The user agrees to follow all College polices and notify the Office of Information Technology Services Helpdesk (718-982-4357) if plans are changed.
  7. The user has reviewed the information entered on this form and agree that all information is correct.
  8. The user has read and completed the “College of Staten Island Virtual Reality Waiver of Liability Agreement.