Carles Solà Belda

Associate Professor

Professor Carles Solà was previously Associate Professor at the Department of Business at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain where he taught HR in graduate and undergraduate programs, Organizational Behavior and Behavioral and Experimental Economics. He also has teaching and research experience in the US (University of Arizona), Spain (UAB, UIB), Japan (Waseda University), Mexico (TEC Monterrey), Colombia (Universidad Javeriana, Cali), Peru (Universidad de Lima) and Syria (Higher Institute for Business Administration, Damascus). 

Professor Solà has a PhD in Business Economics from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona and his research interests focus in HR, Organizational Behavior and Negotiation applying experimental methods. His research has been published in several international journals (Games and Economic Behavior, Experimental Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization) and books. Currently, professor Solà investigates several issues concerning compensation policies, coordination mechanisms, and team production funded by Spanish institutions and the Department of Defense (US). Professor Solà also collaborates with the Sports Institute (UAB) in the analysis of incentives and behavior in sports organizations.

Professor Solà joins the Department of Management at the School of Business with the objective to develop HR and Organizational courses and advance the experimental analysis of behavior in organizational contexts. He is extremely excited to collaborate with students from different backgrounds at CSI and work with his new colleagues. 


PhD, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

BS, Economics, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

Scholarship and Publications

Journal Publications:

  • Brandts, Jordi, Rott, Christina and Solà, Carles. Not Just Like Starting Over: Leadership and Revivification of Cooperation in Groups. Experimental  Economics  (2016) 19: 792. doi:10.1007/s10683-015-9468-6
  • Angelovski, Andrej, Brandts, Jordi and Solà, Carles. 2016. Hiring and Escalation Bias in Subjective Performance Evaluations: A Laboratory Experiment. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. Volume 121, January 2016, Pages 114-129
  • Brandts, J. and Solà, C. 2010. Personal Relations and their Effect on Behavior in an Organizational Setting: An Experimental Study. 2010. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 73(2), 246-253. 
  • Calveras, A. and Solà, C. 2002. La Economía Experimental y el Análisis de la Gestión de los Recursos Humanos. Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa. vol. 12, p. 405-419.
  • Brandts, J. and Solà, C. 2001. Reference Points and Negative Reciprocity in Simple Sequential Games. Games and Economic Behavior 36(2), p. 136-157.

Invited Publications and Book Chapters:

  • Brandts, J. and Solà, C. 2015. Experiments on Organizations. In Brañas, P. (ed.) Experimental Economics. Vol II. Palgrave Macmillan. 
  • Brandts, J. and Solà, C. 2011. Experimentos sobre Organizaciones. En Brañas, P. (ed.) Economia Experimental y del Comportamiento. Editorial Antoni Bosch. Pp. 271-287.
  • Solà, C. 2007. La Familia en la Empresa. Políticas de Recursos Humanos en las Empresas Familiares. Publicaciones de la Cátedra Banca March de la Empresa Familiar.
  • Solà, C. 2002. The Sequential Prisoner’s Dilemma. Reciprocity and Group Size Effects. In Experimental Economics: Financial Markets, Auctions, and Decision Making, edited by F. Andersson & H. Holm. Kluwer Academic. Boston.

Honors, Awards and Grants:

  • Coordination with Asymmetries in Highly Volatile and Complex Environments. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR, Department of Defense, US). Nov. 2017-Nov.2018. P.I. Carles Solà Belda. $35,800.
  • Organizational changes to improve social welfare. Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness. ECO2017-86305-C4-2-R. 2018-2021. Co P.I. Carles Solà Belda. 30.000€.
  • Waseda Institute for Advanced Study Fellowship. Waseda University, Tokyo. 2014. $2,900.
  • Social Responsibility to Improve Organizations and Increase Social Welfare. ECO2013-48496-C4-4-R. Spanish Ministry of Education. 2014-2016 (still active). P.I. Miguel Angel García Cestona. $65,700.
  • Economic Analysis of Behavior in HR and Organizations. 2009SGR0820. Regional Government of Catalonia. 2009-2014. Co-P.I. with Jordi Brandts. $36,000.
  • The Competitiveness of Stakeholders Oriented Firms: An Economic Analysis with Application to Spanish Firms. ECO2010-21393-C04-01. Spanish Ministry of Education 2011-2014. P.I.  Pedro Ortin. $78,300.
  • Firm Organization. Corporate Policies and Family Control. SEJ2007-67895-C04-03/ECON. 2007-2010. P.I  Rafel Crespí. $135,300.
  • HR Policies in Family Firms. Catedra Banca March de Empresa Familiar. P.I. Carles Solà. 2006. $7,500.
  • Corporate Governance. Incentive structure and market efficiency. SEJ2004-07530-C04-04/ECON. 2004-2007. P.I. Rafel Crespí. $107,700.
  • Contracting Structure and Quality of Environmental Policy Decisions. Center for Research in Turism. 2003. Co-P.I. with Rafel Crespí. $2,900.
  • Organizational Structure and Governance of Spanish Firms. BEC 2001-2552-C03-03. Spanish Ministry of Education. 2001-2004. Co-P.I. with Rafel Crespí. $31,000.
  • Corporate Governance. Implications for the Competitiveness of the Spanish Firms. PB97-0185-C03-03. 1997-2000. Spanish Ministry of Education. P.I. Gonzalo Lozano. $10,000.
  • Research and Travel Grant University Of Arizona (USA), Department of Economics and Public Administration. Generalitat De Catalunya. 1999. $7,000.
  • Doctoral Grant (FPI). Generalitat De Catalunya. 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998. $60,000.
  • Incorporation of Undergraduate Students to Departments Grant Program. Spanish Ministry of Education. Applied Economics Department. UAB. 1994. $3,000.


Human Resources, Organizational Behavior, Experimental Economics, Behavioral Economics, Business Economics.

MGT 322

MGT 410

MGT 730

portrait photo of Carles Solà Belda

Contact Information

Office: Building 3N Room 235
Office Hours

Monday 11:15AM – 12:15PM
Wednesdays 11:15AM – 12:15PM, 1:15PM – 2:15PM.