Office of Information Technology Services

The mission of the Office of Information Technology Services (ITS), consistent with that of the College, is to advance the use of technology in all aspects of the College's operations, so as to strengthen support services, teaching, and research. ITS is responsible for guiding, assessing, planning, developing and executing state of the art information technologies. ITS has a responsibility to support current technology at CSI while at the same time plan and implement the continuing evolution in technology.

Meet AVP Kahn


Contact Information

Patricia Kahn, PhD.

AVP & CIO for Information Technology Services

Building 2A, Room 303
Email Patricia Kahn, PhD.

CUNY Login 

Is used to access CUNY applications such as CUNYfirst, Brightspace, CUNYBuy, EAB Navigate, Degree works and various CUNY applications. View a list of applications using the CUNY Login. 

Credentials for the CUNY Login is; (where NN is the last two digits of your emplid) i.e., 

Helpful Links:



The computers on campus that are accessible to the College community require an ID and password. Faculty receive a FLAS (Faculty/Staff Login Authentication System) account and Students receive a SLAS (Student Login Authentication System) account.

Helpful Links:

If anyone has problems accessing their computer or email account, contact our HelpDesk at

The computers on campus that are accessible to the College community require an ID and password. Faculty receive a FLAS (Faculty/Staff Login Authentication System) account and Students receive a SLAS (Student Login Authentication System) account.

If anyone has problems accessing their computer or email account, contact our HelpDesk at

Visit our Email & Accounts website for additional information regarding, M365, Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) 

The HelpDesk serves as CSI’s first line of defense for computer problems, questions and concerns.  In addition to software support, we provide departmental training to faculty, staff, and students in various applications, including MS Office, email and CUNY Portal.  We also schedule the computer laboratories for classes.

Visit our full site for all our helpful forms, Open Lab hours and locations, software site licensing,  education pricing and more......

Contact by Email:  OR Report a Problem: Online Form

Contact Information and After Hours Support:

See our technology online resource checklist for additional help.

Desire to Learn (D2L) Brightspace is a comprehensive learning management system (LMS) that is modern and easy to use for faculty, staff, and students. D2L is the company and Brightspace is the product. Brightspace will be replacing our current LMS Blackboard. It offers capabilities to support teaching and learning across different modalities, supports growth in online learning, provides advanced analytics that contribute to student success, and lays a foundation for engaging learning experiences that facilitate Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) in online course. 

Located in 2A-302, the Technology Training Center is where faculty, staff and students can obtain training on College of Staten Island supported technologies. The Technology Training Center conducts workshops for faculty, staff and students.  The training library lists all of the current training offered through the center.  A variety of training methods are utilized to meet the needs of the College community including, Virtual Lunch & Learn sessions, In-Person Classroom training conducted in computer laboratories, Meet, Greet & Learn One-on-One support conducted at the Training Center and Tech Byte Tuesday virtual training. We can also provide training to classes at the request of professors or for departments at the request of the department heads.  Please contact us to schedule customized training that meets the needs of your students or staff.

The College of Staten Island’s Networking Services group provides the college community a reliable, secure and efficient network. We provide network connectivity to more than 15,000 users, using a wide range of computing devices utilizing wired and wireless connectivity. Our Networking website provides more information such as Wi-Fi calling and helpful links.

CSI’s Local Area Network (LAN) is built upon leading routing and switching technologies that provides a 10-gigabit backbone. The LAN supports more than 5000 wired devices, spanning across 22 buildings as well as a satellite site located in St. George, each wired device is provided a 1-gigabit network connection. To maximize uptime, we utilize techniques such as dynamic routing and switching, along with switch redundancy to minimize outages.

CSI Wireless Access

  • Access to the wireless network is available to the CSI community and guests while on campus or satellite site. The wireless network supports most mobile devices such as laptops, tablets, and smart phones.
  • Office of Information Technology Services (ITS) ensures that all wireless services deployed on campus adhere to campus-wide standards for performance, security and access control, ITS manages the wireless spectrum to ensure the greatest interoperability and roaming ability for use of campus wireless network.
  • ITS supports three on-campus wireless networks: CSI-Staff, CSI-Student, and CSI-Guest. These wireless networks currently support 802.11a/g/n connections with several locations also supporting 802.11ac.

Instructions How to Connect to Wireless Network: Simply scan for one of the approved CSI Wireless Networks and connect.

Developing literacy around information security is critical in today’s environment. It is important to remain educated and informed in the continued rise in vulnerabilities and threats that may impact your data and Colleges services. These resources can be used as an educational model to provide awareness of information security.

SPAM Awareness

The College uses spam detection appliances from ProofPoint to quarantine unsolicited emails.    Messages that contain inappropriate content are sent to your personal Spam Quarantine. You will receive an email notification in your Inbox to let you know you have messages in Quarantine

Phishing Awareness

If you suspect that you received a phishing email, please contact 

Securing Your Password : Computer Account Password Policy:


Computer Labs

There are 3 open computer labs (Building 1L, Rooms 202 and 212, and Building 3N, Room 217) that are available to students to complete assignments and access the internet and email. They are equipped with the same software as the teaching labs, including programs that support students with disabilities. These rooms are also enhanced with ADA compliant furniture.  All labs are manned by College Assistants, who provide assistance to users. A CSI Computer Login Account is required to logon to all campus computers. Similar to these 4 rooms, computers are also available for public access in various locations throughout the campus.  Open Lab Schedule

Multimedia Classrooms

There are over 200 Multimedia (Smart) Classrooms installed throughout campus. These rooms have ceiling mounted projectors and wall screens, which allow instructors to display their laptop or other device via a cable bundle. Most Smart Classrooms are equipped with a podium, which house a computer, allowing instructors the flexibility of using the podium PC or a mobile device. A CSI Computer Login Account is required to logon to all podiums. Some classrooms are also equipped with SmartBoards, which are interactive whiteboards.

Media Services

Media provides a wide range of services, including Smart Classroom and traditional audio-visual support, video conferencing, digital video, and still image production.

Director of Media Services:  Mark Lewental
Phone: 718.982.4013

Classroom Media Scheduling
Media Services offers classroom media scheduling for traditional audio-visual equipment such as overhead projectors, media materials used in Smart Classrooms and equipment used in hyflex learning modalities.

Digital Imaging/Video Production: For assistance or question about digital media production, please contact: 
Antonio Gallego, Assistant Director of Media Services 
Monday thru Friday 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
Phone: 718.982.4210

Videoconference Center
The Videoconference Center is housed in the library on the 2nd floor in room 1L-220A. Using internet videoconferencing technology, two or more people at different locations interact at the same time. Participants can also share files, graphics, and multiple computer applications for collaboration. This rich communications technology offers new possibilities for our faculty, who are now using videoconferencing systems for a variety of purposes, such as, formal instructions both nationally and internationally (courses and lessons). In addition, the system allows the faculty to bring guest speakers and experts to participate in multi-school collaboration projects and professional activities.

For help or further information, please contact: 
Aleksander Dudek, Videoconference Coordinator
Monday thru Friday 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
Phone: 718.982.4125

 Accessible Technology Services

The College of Staten Island has an Office of Accessibility Services, along with the Office of Information Technology Services, and the Library that can help with specific technology needed to ensure ADA compliance.  

Read about  our relevant information and exciting updates about the various technological accomplishments .   We are hopeful that the ITS Newsletters and Annual Reports will convey what is going on behind the scenes.  Also, we want you to know about the individuals who make it happen.

It is important to remain educated and informed in the continued rise in vulnerabilities and threats that may impact your data and Colleges services. The following resources can be used as an educational model to provide awareness of information security. 

The Information Technology Advisory Council (ITAC) makes recommendations on non-operational policies (i.e. requests beyond everyday support related issues), procedures and resources necessary to establish and maintain effective technology systems to serve the needs of the College. 

CSI provides students, faculty and staff with access to important resources and support.

Technology Services has reserved a monthly service maintenance window on the last Saturday of each month starting at 9:00pm.  Holidays can affect this schedule.  Users can find the schedule of Technology Service’s monthly maintenance windows in the table that follows:

Smart environments have the potential to allow users to engage and interact seamlessly with their immediate surroundings. This has been made possible by the introduction of intelligent technologies, coupled with software-based services. Internet of Things (IOT), Virtual Reality, Double the Telepresence Robot, Drop Box and more...

The Student Technology Fee ("Tech Fee") was created as an interactive way to enhance technology available to students on all CUNY campuses. Each campus has an advisory committee that consists of administrative staff, faculty and student representatives that oversee budget allocation and projects.  View our current fiscal year plan, committee, and projects.