Health and Wellness Services

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Health and Wellness Services provides high quality, cost-effective health care and wellness programs in order to promote health and support academic success.

Services are available to all registered students 
Hours are Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.  
The College is closed on select Fridays during the summer. 
To schedule an appointment:
Call: 718.982.3045
Stop by: 1C-112
Walk-in appointments are also available based on staff availability.
Programs and services are offered at NO COST to students and are partially funded by Student Activity Fees. Care and treatment are confidential. Medical records are maintained separately from academic records, and may not be released without written consent. 
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911. If calling 911 while on campus, also call Public Safety at x2111 so they can expedite the emergency response.

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