Phi Beta Delta - Eta Lambda Chapter 13th Annual Induction Ceremony

Tuesday, March 18th, 2025 3 pm
Location: Recital Hall, 1P
For more information:
Call: 718-982-2100
Phi Beta Delta is the nation's first honor society dedicated to recognizing individuals who have demonstrated scholarly achievement and performed outstanding service and leadership in the area of international education.
The goals of the organization include the recognition of individual achievement in the area of international understanding; the advancement of international programming, research and scholarly exchange; and the creation of a campus network linked to a network of members in chapters worldwide.
View Annual Induction Ceremonies and Photos from CSIToday
Governing Board
President- Faiza Peetz, Department of Biology
Co-Vice President–Regina Lama, Department of Nursing
Co-Vice President-David Allen, School of Education
Past President- Jane Marcus-Delgado, Political Science and Global Affairs
Pass President-Anita Romano, Macaulay Honors College
Secretary-Michelle Callahan, Fellowship and Scholarship
Treasurer: Melanie Ann Thompson, Center for Global Engagement
Student Vice President-Mariam Ashraf
Student Vice President-Melvyn Noe Cruz Portillo
Chapter Coordinator: Winnie Brophy, Center for Global Engagement
Margaret Bérci, School of Education
Susan Sullivan, School of Education
Alan Zimmerman, The Lucille and Jay Chazanoff School of Business
Contact Information
Eta Lambda Chapter at the College of Staten Island/CUNY
California State University, San Bernardino
Phone: (+1) 909-537-5018

April 2023: PBD CSI Students during Induction Ceremony

Benedicta Gbemudu, Recipient of $500 Student Award from CSI PBD chapter

2023 PBD Eta Lambda Chapter Induction Ceremony

Phi Beta Delta Induction Ceremony April 2022 Group Picture

Phi Beta Delta Induction Ceremony April 2022

Virtual Induction Ceremony 2021

Phi Beta Delta Induction Ceremony April 2022: Chapter coordinator and faculty members

Phi Beta Delta Induction Ceremony April 2022: Student inductee and Dr. Lynch

Phi Beta Delta Induction Ceremony April 2022: Student with faculty members
Keynote speaker Dr. Sarolta Takács with guests

PBD Induction Ceremony April 2023: Keynote speaker Dr. Naima Charafi with Susan Sullivan, Camille Gallo and Anita Romano

Past Programs
Virtual Presentation: U.S. China Relations

Tuesday, November 15, 2022 @ 2:45pm-3:45pm
Benjamin Sand, Director of Strategic Communications,
U.S. State Department’s China Desk
Mr. Benjamin Sand is the Director of Strategic Communications for the State Department’s China Desk. Previously, Benjamin served as Deputy Spokesperson for the U.S. embassy in Beijing.
He has also led Mission China’s Education USA programs, and served as the head of the political unit at the U.S. Embassy in Costa Rica, press officer for the State Department’s Bureau for International Organizations, and the ambassador’s staff aide in Beijing.
Before joining the Foreign Service, Benjamin worked as a relief worker in East Timor and South Sudan, and foreign correspondent, in Hong Kong, Iraq, and most recently as Voice of America’s Pakistan and Afghanistan Bureau Chief in Islamabad. Benjamin is a fourth generation Brooklynite and lives with his daughter in Washington, D.C.
Visit to the United Nations Headquarters in Manhattan:
UN Academic Impact Global Initiative and Youth Forum

PBD Eta Lambda chapter members participated at The Youth Forum at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. More than 500 youth advocates from around the world will meet with government ministers and officials to discuss how young people can advance the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
10th Annual Induction Ceremony In-Person
Tuesday, April 26, 2022, 2:30pm
Location: Recital Hall, Center for the Arts, College of Staten Island
Speaker: Dr. Nerve V. Macaspac from the Department of Political Science and Global Affairs will speak about the grassroots peacebuilding. He will share some of the recent shifts in peace and conflict studies as well as the prospects of Peace Studies at CSI.
The Eta Lambda Chapter inducted 13 faculty, students, and staff into the prestigious society on April 2022. Visit CSIToday and online gallery.
A Panel Discussion: Career Opportunities for Americans Overseas
Location: Recital Hall, Center for the Arts, College of Staten Island
Patricia H. Guy, CUNY Diplomatic-in-Residence at The City College of New York
J. Michael Kirkland, CPA, CGMA, President, New York State Society of CPAs
Kenneth Browne, Returned Peace Corps Volunteer
36th Annual Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars Online Web Conference
Date: Monday-Tuesday, May 23-24, 2022, 11:00am-8:00pm
Theme: Collaborative Resilience: Recreating Global Pathways
Speaker: Dr. Andrea Thomas-The Role We Play in Global Collaboration
Visit the society’s website.
Presentation: Global Effort and Gender Initiatives
Speaker: Dr. Naima Charafi

Dr. Charafi’s initiative is to protect people against violence behavior based on gender. She trains people to be peacekeepers for the UN and has recently served in Niger, Rwanda, Benin, Burkina Faso, and Cameroon. Her presentation will focus on her groundbreaking experiences, and aims to inspire more women to become part of this important global effort to make a difference by serving in countries in conflict.
Lists of Inductees
Benefits of a PBD Membership
There are many tangible and intangible benefits of new and continuing PBD membership!
- A formal recognition of distinction as an international scholar. Members can wear PBD Society regalia to their commencement ceremony
- The Medallion Newsletter
- An International Research and Review – Society Journal
- Opportunities for PBD International Conference participation and presentations
- Offerings of sponsorship for PBD Conference attendees
- Leadership opportunities at the chapter and society levels
- Access to professional development opportunities such as PBD webinars
- Networking opportunities with scholars and professionals involved in international understanding and programing, research and scholarly exchange.
Membership Criteria
Membership Criteria
Candidacy for membership will be based on criteria established by the Governing Board in accordance with the aims of the organization. This nomination recognizes your exceptional achievement and service to international education. By joining Phi Beta Delta you distinguish yourself as a member of a global community dedicated to fostering the highest standards of international understanding.
Membership Criteria for Students:
- GPA of 3.3 for associate degree students who have attained at least 30 credit hours
- GPA of 3.3 for bachelor’s degree students who have attained at least 45 credit hours
- GPA of 3.6 for master’s degree students who have completed at least one semester of a one-year master degree, or two semesters of a two-year master’s degree
- GPA of 3.6 for doctoral degree students who have completed at least two semesters of their doctoral degree
- Letter of nomination from full-time faculty or PBD committee member
- Statement of interest
- International students (non-immigrant visa holders) will be considered upon meeting the requirements above
- Domestic students will be considered upon meeting the requirements above and completion of an academic study abroad program approved by the institution or who have been involved in recognized international endeavors
Membership Criteria For Alumni:
- CSI alumni who have met the GPA and other criterion stated above
Membership Criteria For Faculty and Staff:
Faculty and staff who have been involved in recognized international endeavors such as teaching, conducting research, participating in overseas projects, administering exchange programs, or providing services to international students and scholars.
Lifetime Membership:
Persons nominated, selected, and initiated (inducted) into the Society shall retain this honor for life. Active and inactive membership shall determine the privileges accorded to individuals inducted into the Society.
Honorary Membership: The Governing Board may name honorary members.
Candidates for membership will be approved by the members of the Governing Board of the chapter and inducted at the annual induction ceremony.
Membership in Phi Beta Delta does require a $65 for the first year. This fee covers a medallion, a certificate, and the newsletter, and national and chapter membership dues. After that, the annual membership fee is $30
Chapter By-Laws
May 4, 2011 (As Amended September 2012, December 2012)
Updated January 2021
Article I: Name
The name of the Society will be the Eta Lambda Chapter of Phi Beta Delta.
Article II: Purpose
The purpose of Phi Beta Delta is to recognize and encourage professional, intellectual and personal achievements in the field of international education. The Society will serve as a means of encouraging interdisciplinary and intergenerational contacts and promoting the exchange of ideas and information in the area of international affairs among students, faculty and staff of the
Article III: Membership
Section I
Candidacy for membership will be based on criteria established by the Governing Board in accordance with the aims of the organization. The criteria are as follows:
Membership Criteria for Students:
· GPA of 3.3 for associate degree students who have attained at least 30 credit hours
- GPA of 3.3 for bachelor’s degree students who have attained at least 45 credit hours
· GPA of 3.6 for master’s degree students who have completed at least one semester of a one-year master degree, or two semesters of a two-year master’s degree
- GPA of 3.6 for doctoral degree students who have completed at least two semesters of their doctoral degree
· Letter of nomination from full-time faculty or PBD committee member
· Statement of interest
· International students (non-immigrant visa holders) will be considered upon meeting the requirements above
- Domestic students will be considered upon meeting the requirements above and completion of an academic study abroad program approved by the institution or who have been involved in recognized international endeavors
Membership Criteria For Alumni:
- CSI alumni who have met the GPA and other criterion stated above
Membership Criteria For Faculty and Staff:
Faculty and staff who have been involved in recognized international endeavors such as teaching, conducting research, participating in overseas projects, administering exchange programs, or providing services to international students and scholars.
Lifetime Membership:
Persons nominated, selected, and initiated (inducted) into the Society shall retain this honor for life. Active and inactive membership shall determine the privileges accorded to individuals inducted into the Society.
Section II
Honorary Membership: The Governing Board may name honorary members.
Section III
Candidates for membership will be approved by the members of the Governing Board of the chapter and inducted at the annual initiation ceremony.
Section IV
The Governing Board will convene at least one meeting of the Chapter per semester to conduct the chapter’s business, and on a more frequent basis for other purposes. Active members are those who have paid that year’s national and chapter dues.
Article IV: Governing Board
Section I
The Governing Board will include faculty, staff, and students of the College.
Section II
The Governing Board will consist of:
· Past President (1 year term)
- President (1 year term)
· Vice President / President-elect (1 year term)
· Student Vice President (1 year term)
· Secretary (2 year term)
· Treasurer (2 year term)
· Chairpersons of standing committees
· Chapter Coordinator
Section III
The Governing Board will meet as required. It will establish standing committees and appoint chairpersons for those committees.
Article V: Officers
Section I
The elected officers will be:
· President
· Vice President / President-elect
· Student Vice President
· Secretary
· Treasurer
Section II
The Chapter Coordinator will be appointed by the Governing Board from faculty or staff and serves as a liaison between the Chapter and the National Executive Office. The Chapter Coordinator will maintain a list of active chapter members; will assure compliance at the chapter level with policies, procedures, and reporting requirements of the Society; will advise the Chapter concerning policy, organization, and management; will collect and give receipts for all monies and make disbursements; will keep an accurate and complete record of all receipts and disbursements; will perform other duties as determined by the Chapter under the guidance of the Treasurer. The selection and term of office for the Chapter Coordinator will be determined by the Governing Board.
Section III
The President will preside over meetings of the Governing Board and of the society. The President will appoint members of committees, represent the society at official functions, communicate regularly with the Chapter Coordinator regarding events, and perform all other duties belonging to the office. The President will have a term limit of one year. Past Presidents will sit on the Governing Board for an additional year.
Section IV
The Vice President will preside in the absence of the President and perform other duties as assigned by the President.
Section V
The Student Vice President will develop chapter programs, act as a liaison to the student body, and be a full voting member of the Governing Board.
Section VI
The Secretary will be responsible for communications. The Secretary will keep minutes of all meetings, and handle chapter communications.
Section VII
The Treasurer will be responsible for all monies collected and dispersed, for making reports regularly to the Society on the funds, and for suggestions on allocating funds.
Section VIII
The Governing Board will appoint students to act as liaisons whenever necessary.
Article VI: Dues and Fees
The membership initiation fee will be paid by each undergraduate, graduate, faculty and staff candidate at or before the time of initiation into the Society. The amount of this fee will be determined by the Governing Board and is to be paid to the Treasurer prior to the initiation ceremony. Special consideration will be given to students whenever possible. The annual sustaining fee for each member of the Society will be paid on or before May 1 of each year.
Article VII: Elections
Section I
The Governing Board will establish a nomination committee to solicit nominations for the elected offices.
Section II
Elections will be held prior to the annual induction ceremony and be conducted by secret ballot and include a provision for proxy votes. Ballots will be sent to the general membership at least two weeks prior to the date set for the counting of ballots. The exception will be for the initial year’s election of officers. At the first business meeting which is scheduled immediately following the first annual induction ceremony, a single slate will be presented to the newly inducted members. This single slate will be recommended by the organizing committee.
Section III
Election to office will require a majority of ballots received.
Section IV
In the event of resignation or inability to serve on the part of an elected officer of the chapter, the Governing Board shall appoint a replacement to complete the elected term.
Article VIII: Approval and Amendment of Bylaws
Section I
These Bylaws shall be submitted to the chapter’s full membership for approval at the first meeting. Approval will be by a majority of those present and voting.
Section II
Proposed amendments to the bylaws may be presented to the Governing Board by active members, in writing, at least one month before they are to be voted upon. The Governing Board will review and discuss proposed amendments and recommend them to the general membership for approval.
Approval by a majority of the voting members present at a chapter meeting will be required for passage of a proposed amendment. The amendment shall become binding immediately thereafter.
Article IX: Meetings
There will be at least one meeting of the Chapter per semester.
Article X: Parliamentary Authority
Robert’s Rules of Order (the most recent edition) shall govern the Society in all cases to which they are applicable.