
Academic Support in 1L-117 offers quality, cost-free tutoring year-round.  Our professional peer tutors, certified by the CRLA (College Reading & Learning Association), are happy to meet any day of the week, either in the Library (1L-117) or in a virtual tutoring room, to assist you with your coursework.

Please see our schedules for on-campus tutoring — on both a walk-in and appointment basis — and online tutoring below.

If you have any questions about tutoring, please reach out to us by e-mail at oas@csi.cuny.edu or by phone at 718.982.4221.

Tutoring (walk-in) – 1L-117

Tutoring (by appointment) – 1L-117

Online Tutoring Schedules (by appointment) 

Special Workshops

With a convenient tutoring location in the Library (1L-117), we strive to accommodate even the busiest of student schedules with weekday, weekend, and evening hours of operation.  Our tutoring lab is equipped with several computers installed with MS Office, C++ and other academic software.

Our professional peer tutors, who are certified by the CRLA (College Reading & Learning Association), are able to assist students in the following ways: 

  • Assessing student work and helping accordingly by providing reinforcement of classroom instruction through explanation, clarification, and demonstration
  • Helping students better understand challenging coursework and/or readings
  • Facilitating a better understanding of academic writing, and providing helpful verbal and written commentary on student work
  • Familiarizing students with CSI’s available academic resources

CSI’s Office of Institutional Research has demonstrated that our CRLA-certified tutors have historically helped students raise their pass rates by as much as 30%.  Be sure to make use of this quality academic assistance on offer year-round.

Academic Support hires high-performing students to work part-time as peer tutors in a wide variety of subject areas, both in the Humanities and Social Sciences as well as in Business & Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.  For more information on the qualifications to apply to become a tutor — and the benefits, professional and personal, of working in this position — please see the following.

Academic Support was awarded certification as a Level 1 certified tutor training program by the internationally recognized College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) in 2022, and has re-earned certification in 2024.

For more than thirty years, CRLA has been a leader in learning assistance, reading, and academic support programs, with almost 1,300 members and over 2,000 certified training programs worldwide.

Academic Support worked hard to develop a tutor training program that meets CRLA’s rigorous standards, and successfully completed the International Tutor Training Program Certification (ITTPC) peer review process.  Achieving certification means that we have met CRLA’s high standards for tutor selection, training, direct service, and evaluation as an integral part of our overall tutoring program.

Contact Information

Koby Kohulan

Associate Director

Math Immersion/STEM Tutoring

Christopher Cuccia

Assistant Director

Humanities/Social Sciences Tutoring
& Tutor Training (CRLA)

Tutors can help in:





Computer Science

COR 100


Engineering Science

English Writing








Additional Student Study Centers at CSI

Since the transition to Distance Learning, the CS Dept. Tutoring program is now offered remotely. Students can contact a tutor during the tutor's session for a  BB virtual session.  Please refer to the following schedule:  CS Dept. 1N-113 Tutoring Center

Contact Information 
Orit Gruber, Chief College Lab Technician 
(718) 982.3015

Tutoring for computer science undergraduate courses is offered in the open lab in 1N-113. Tutors can assist students in understanding computer science concepts, and in completing/debugging programming and application assignments.  Computers are available in the open lab for students.

Hours vary by semester and are posted on the door of 1N-113 and the door of the Computer Science department main office (1N-215).

Call or visit the Computer Science Department for the complete tutoring schedule.

Contact Information 

Lewis Carbonaro, Tutoring Coordinator 

(718) 982.3606

The Math Tutorial Laboratory provides a friendly and conducive atmosphere for the study of mathematics.  Free walk-in math tutoring is available for all developmental courses (Math 015-030) and100 and 200-level math courses. During each hour of operation, at least two tutors (and often more) are on duty and no appointment is necessary.  Tutoring is offered on a one-on-one basis as well as in small groups.  Students are welcome to borrow from the extensive library of mathematics texts found in the Center.  The Center also houses two video playback machines and a small library of math tutorial videotapes which students may view on the premises.  We welcome all students who are registered in a math course at CSI.  

Call or visit the Math Department for the complete tutoring schedule.

Contact Information
Emmanuel Grant, Tutoring Coordinator
(718) 982.2573


The Media Culture Department offers study sessions designed for students enrolled in cinema and communications courses. The sessions are designed to bridge the gap between the theory and application of professional production techniques by helping students become more familiar with the equipment and applications introduced in their classes.

Working in group sessions or individually with a tutor, students are able to apply their classroom knowledge to the processes involved in multi-media production in a supportive and informal setting. Topics covered include digital video and 16mm film production, introduction to the Macintosh work environment, non-linear editing, web design, digital photography, graphic design and web animation. In addition to technical instruction, our tutors provide consultation on creative projects.

All study sessions are held in the Film/Video Lab (1P-122) or the Digital Communications Lab (1P-231). These labs are equipped with Macintosh computers, printers, scanners and a full complement of audio, video and film production gear. Equipment manuals, industry trade magazines, classroom texts, CD and DVD tutorials are also available for student use. Please call in advance to make an appointment.

Call or visit the Media Culture Department for the complete tutoring schedule.



Contact Information
Valeria Belmonti, Director
(718) 982.3711

The Modern Languages Media Center at CSI provides a great variety of aids for the learning and teaching of foreign languages. 

  • The MLMC offers a wide range of audio/visual equipment with multi-regional capabilities, as well as a state-of-the-art multimedia computer facility (Windows XP). 
  • The MLMC offers several word processing programs with the ability to spell-check, and in some cases, even check on lexical and grammatical topics.  The MLMC is also a comprehensive computer-based testing facility which provides placement testing for students either entering or exiting language courses. It also offers support for the oral component of all levels of language.
  • Students also have access to available application programs that accompany courses that are offered in our department.
  • The MLMC offers tutoring services in all languages offered at CSI with one-on-one and group sessions. 

The MLMC is generally open Monday through Friday, from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM (Monday through Thursday, 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM, during summer sessions), and on select Saturdays throughout the semester.  For more information, please visit our website.

Contact Information
Georgia Landrum, Tutoring Coordinator
(718) 982.2424

SEEK Learning Center 

Contact information
Melanie McNulty
Director or the Writing Center
Building 2S, room 229


Schedule for Tutoring at the Writing Center 

The Writing Center, under the direction of the English Department, assists students in improving reading and writing skills in all subject areas.